The Hair Scarf Project
10am-5pm weekdays
Monica Mak (documentary filmmaker) and Shiva Shoeybi (mixed media artist) have joined forces to create The Hair Project. This collaborative mixed media work combines fabric-based art with documentary video installation. Through the fusion of these media forms, we reflect on the internal versus external constructions of female appearance, the lived experiences of three Muslim women of different ages and backgrounds, who choose to wear.
Shiva has designed two head scarves, each with a highly stylized hair design print. Both have been made entirely from artificial hair, intricately woven. Monica has documented each of the women’s experiences in short documentary segments. Together these disparate media forms will inhabit the CSV exhibit space, functioning as the threshold between the public and private spheres. On the one hand, the intimacy of the space and the quiet viewing experience will enhance the women’s personal stories told through documentary media; on the other hand, the room’s function as a space for the viewing public will relate to our fascination with the public gaze on the female body.
Weekend Viewings with the Artist(s) present:
- Saturday, September 21st (by appointment only)
- Saturday, September 28th (by appointment only)
The artist will meet you outside the entrance of the Toronto Media Arts centre. Please schedule a viewing at the link below and call 416-603-6564 when you arrive