Data Science / Science Fiction
10am-6pm daily
About Franz Milec
Franz Milec (1993) is a multimedia artist and filmmaker currently pursuing a Master’s degree at the Center for Audiovisual Studies at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, Czech Republic.
In his work, he often experiments with perception and its impact on body and identity, focusing on the era in which the human audiovisual field has been fully commercialized and politicized. His works tend to have cinematic qualities and employ the tropes of science fiction blockbusters, but at the same time, he manages to turn the spectacle inside out to create unexpected, meditative experiences. The artist has a year-long experience with work in advertising which has also left its mark on his aesthetic based on artifice and gimmicks.
The narrative in his work is largely suppressed, but observed as a whole, it can be understood as a speculation on the present and the future of the world, while someone’s utopia is in the making. His alternative realities are the ones that the audience can see, as well, but rarely notice; the ones that everyone can hear, but nobody listens to.