Safe Film Set Practices During COVID
6:00 PM— 8:00 PM
This workshop will cover safe practices to keep yourself safe on film sets as productions reopen and Toronto moves towards Stage 3 after the major COVID-19 outbreak.
This workshop will cover safe practices to keep yourself safe on film sets as productions reopen and Toronto moves towards Stage 3 after the major COVID-19 outbreak.
Topics: ● Review of Ontario’s Section 21 and the US white paper - Back to work film protocols ● Basic Crew Safety Procedures and the PPE requirements ● Preproduction ● Prep ● Production - Shooting
This workshop is free for BIPOC, with priority given to black and indigenous filmmakers. Please email workshops@charlesstreetvideo.com to reserve a spot.
- maximum capacity: 20
- 2 hours of instruction
- Instructor: Matt Bedard
Matt Bedard is a seasoned Camera Assistant with an eye for detail and organization. In-depth understanding of digital camera technology and expertise in department management. Having worked in film and television for over 10 years with companies such as HBO, NBC, and Universal, Matt helped developing the IATSE COVID Back to Work Protocols.