June Speaker Social
5:00 PM— 7:00 PM
You are invited to bring along a project (works in progress totally welcome) to show via screenshare and/or a link to a hosted version online. Or, just join in to check out what others are working on. No need to prep a presentation, just walk us through what you’ve got and we’ll chat via video/audio/text protocol.
DMG’s monthly social – sans snacks as we stay physically distant but socially cozy!
Our June 2020 event is a CYBERSOCIAL! You are invited to bring along a project (works in progress totally welcome) to show via screenshare and/or a link to a hosted version online. Or, just join in to check out what others are working on. No need to prep a presentation, just walk us through what you’ve got and we’ll chat via video/audio/text protocol.
Check out the recap of our May 2020 social here.
Every month, folks working in games, on game-related projects, or in interactive arts give a brief presentation on their work. Expect fascinating insights into a broad range of disciplines, introductions to rad projects and tools, interesting creators and new friends!
Have something to share? Propose a talk/presentation