Intro to Ableton Live: How to edit your podcast
2:00 PMā 4:00 PM
This workshop is a basic introduction to using Ableton Live for podcasting. Students do not need a proper microphone in order to participateā just a smartphone is fine! Students will be introduced to importing audio files, cutting and splicing, collage, looping, time and pitch manipulation, audio effects, and more. We will discuss applying these skills specifically for podcast editing. Note: If you do not own Ableton Live, you can download the free trial-version for 90 days: https://www.ableton.com/en/trial/. This will allow you to save and export your work for 90 days.
- maximum capacity: 10
- 3 hours of instruction Instructor: Stefana Fratila
Stefana Fratila is a Romanian-born composer, artist and writer based in Toronto, Canada. She is also a DJ and co-founder of CRIP RAVEā¢ collective, an event platform showcasing and prioritizing Sick, Crip, Mad and Disabled body-minds within safer and more accessible rave spaces. Stefana has exhibited, performed and screened her work internationally, including at e-flux (New York), the 2nd Kamias Triennial (Quezon City, Philippines) and AGYU (Toronto); she has also completed residencies at the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, Wave Farm Transmission Arts, and CMMAS (Mexican Centre for Music and Sonic Arts).