7:00 PM— 9:00 PM
It’s that time of year again! Please save the date for the 2020 Annual General Meeting. All members are encouraged to attend.
It’s that time of year again! Please save the date for the 2020 Annual General Meeting. All members are encouraged to attend.
Download the agenda and proxy form
About the Board
Board members for the next year will be elected at the meeting. There are twelve board positions. If you wish to put your name forward or nominate someone to sit on the board:
- Send a short bio and statement of interest to director@cfmdc.org or;
- Present yourself in person at the AGM.
See the list of current board members
About the proxy: If you can’t attend the meeting please appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf. The appointed proxy need not be limited to CFMDC members, you may appoint any member of the general public to attend in your place. To submit a proxy:
- Send a completed proxy form via email to members@cfmdc.org by 5:00pm on February 19, or;
- Have a proxy present the form in person at the meeting.
Any questions about the AGM can be directed to director@cfmdc.org.
We’re looking forward to seeing you there!
– CFMDC Team