Broadcasting Play: A Panel on Podcasting and Streaming RPGs
6:00 PM— 8:00 PM
Join local RPG streamers and podcasters as they discuss the shift of tabletop gaming to the public realm, and how the worlds of theatre and gaming are colliding to create new forms of performance and play.
Role-playing games have a lot in common with improv and immersive theatre. The audience performs, the players create and immerse themselves in social roles and narrative emerges through play. And now, these performances are moving out of the privacy of homes to screens and headphones everywhere.
Join local RPG streamers and podcasters as they discuss the shift of tabletop gaming to the public realm, and how the worlds of theatre and gaming are colliding to create new forms of performance and play.
Moderated by DMG member Jillian Wakarchuk • Panelists TBA