Breakfast Game Audio Club w/ Kris Maddigan
9:00 AM— 12:00 PM
A monthly breakfast-time meetup for game audio folk. This month’s guest is Kristopher Maddigan, the composer of Cuphead! He’ll be talking about his experiences and the Cuphead soundtrack, with the usual Q&A and discussion over coffee.
Don’t you forget about joining us at Gamma Space for The Breakfast Game Audio Club for our 2 year anniversary! We will be providing coffee, light breakfast fare and cake?! - suggested donation of $5.
This month’s guest is Kristopher Maddigan, the composer of Cuphead! He’ll be talking about his experiences and the Cuphead soundtrack, with the usual Q&A and discussion over coffee.
The Breakfast Game Audio Club is a monthly get together for anyone interested in game audio, music and game dev - happening the first (or second) Thursday of every month at Gamma Space (a harassment-free space).