Black Moon Lilith in Pisces in the 4th House
10:00 PM— 1:00 AM
Expanding the moving image to spaces outside of the cinema, this year’s Images Festival LIVE line-up features artist, writer, astrologer, and musician Joanna Hedva. Their performance Black Moon Lilith in Pisces in the 4th House—an ode to their mother— is part mystical grief ritual, part droned-out metal concert.
Johanna Hedva • US/GERMANY, 2018
A keening. Mystical doom. Hag blues. Intimate metal. Moon hymns. A dirge. O Death. For my mother, who was a Pisces (March 2, 1955–April 30, 2018). Informed by Korean shamanist ritual and the Korean tradition of P’ansori singing (which demands rehearsal next to waterfalls, in order to ravage the vocal cords), as well as by Keiji Haino, Diamanda Galás, and Jeff Buckley, Black Moon is as much a mystical grief ritual as it is a droned-out metal concert that summons the holy spirit. This performance is specifically for the faint of heart. It is loud AF and swimming in tears. This event will have ASL interpretation. A care attendant and an active listener on-site throughout the evening.