Please read an important announcement: Goodbye, 32 Lisgar! 👋🏻 See you again soon.

Read the latest: The City of Toronto Defends The Current REOI Process

BIPOC Meet-up and Co-Design

Monday, January 21
6:30 PM— 8:30 PM

IntersectTO is kicking off 2019 with another community co-design session! Come hang out with other BIPOCs interested in technology and participate in a collaborative brainstorming session


Gamma Space

Presented by


We’re turning one! It’s been a year since we first got together to discuss and imagine what a technology community for folks who identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of colour) could look like in Toronto.

We are kicking off 2019 with another community co-design session! Come hang out with other BIPOCs interested in technology and participate in a collaborative brainstorming session. Join us to share your ideas for what kinds of events, programming, and initiatives you’d like to see IntersectTO plan for BIPOCs when it comes to digital justice, creating community, and learning tech skills. We want your input, we’ll also be working on updating a list of shared values and ideas on governance and decision-making.