UDPATE: The Media Arts Network of Ontario (MANO) Asks for More Transparency From They City
MANO shares our concerns about the City’s timeline and process around the REOI for 32 Lisgar and have written them a letter expressing them.
The Media Arts Network of Ontario(MANO) shares our concerns about the City’s timeline and process around the REOI for 32 Lisgar and have written them a letter expressing them. The current deadline for the four acknowledged applicants to respond to the first REOI is August 12, 2022.
These concerns are in response to the latest information shared by the City as of July 14, 2022, which can be read here.
Along with sharing their concerns, MANO has reccomended the following to the City:
- The report on building conditions be made accessible before applicants submit the REOI.
- Contracting external consultants to conduct a feasibility study around their requirements.
- Make transparent costs needed for building upgrades and operations.
- Make transparent how these costs would be divided between the City and the applicant/tenant before the lease negotiation process.
TMAC supports these requests in order to deliver the community benefit effectively as intended.